Hello World!

Welcome to the first ever blog on a website dedicated to a society of Mathematics students in a Technology Institute.

Authored by Khushi Pathak on November 23, 2020

Welcome to the first ever blog on a website dedicated to a society of Mathematics students in a Technology Institute.

Complimenting the launch of our brand new swanky website is our first ever blog post, talking about our future blog posts. Furthermore, you may find details about our upcoming events, get to know our team, and find means of getting in touch with us through the website! (We also have a aesthetically pleasing dark mode option if you happen to be browsing our website in the dark at 3 a.m.)

Here we will be chronicling our (and our alumni and professors’) journeys into the world of mathematics. The blogsite will consist of posts ranging from observations encountered as a student/professor/professional, serving as a side-dish to our upcoming interview series, as well as a handbook of advice prepared alongside our seminars on jobs and education prospects after graduation.

We hope all of us can get non-empty sets by intersecting our interests and have a diverging series of fun!