Intern & SURA ke Fundae

A summary of the event Intern & SURA ke Fundae which was organized on Nov 19

Authored by Khushpreet Singh on November 26, 2020

The entire session can be divided into the following categories based on the topics discussed:

Industrial Internship

Industrial Internship can be categorised into two parts as far as the process of getting one is concerned-

  • The first one being the OCS (Office of Career Services) powered intern where in students can bag this kind of opportunity through possessing an array of skill sets, most important being Competitive Coding which can be practiced on various platforms like LeetCode, Interview Bit and Codeforces. Another skill that students were advised by the speakers was to practice questions related to Quant & Probability from authentic books and websites like Wall Street and Brainstellar. Students were also asked to have command over some topics of Machine Learning which can come in handy in the exams and interviews also.

  • The second category being getting industrial internships by applying off-Campus. Following institute policies, i.e., norms laid down by the OCS should be prime priority of students. Getting an Off-Campus intern would require some toil on LinkedIn trying to gather some information and trying to establish personal contact with HRs of the company a student wishes to apply (just to mention some personal contacts can come in handy in this scenario). The skill set is more or less same as the Job Descriptions don’t differ much.

Research Internship

Foreign Internship

This was one of the most thought on topics in the seminar and seemed to be top notch snatch for attendees. Some key points to take care before starting to address professors are:

  • Create a list of professors under which you want to do your internship in other words his or her research work amuses you the most.

  • Draft an email and keep it as personalized as possible to get differentiated from the rest and stand out.

  • Read the research papers of the particular professor you are interested in and cite theories on them so as to get the attention and excel.

  • Avoid Mass Mailing to ensure that your mails do not land into spam folders of professors and this point should be much taken care of this time considering the unprecedented and rough time we are dealing with.

  • Start mailing the professors around Mid November.

SURA Internship

This is the IIT Delhi version of research internship. To bag this golden opportunity and turn this into an advantage students really need to work hard.

IIT Delhi has a set of very amazing profs, to work under them a candidate needs to have a considerable volume of knowledge. Going about this you need to be well versed with the research papers of the professors.

Following this to get an opportunity students would have to submit a prototype of the idea they wish to implement using or extrapolating the area of research of the professors.


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